September 12, 2017

Nick Stratos (Louis Hunter) is Jesus' friend and Mariana's unstable boyfriend. In the fourth season, Stef and Mike discover that Nick sets the warehouse on fire, and then they realize that he has fled from school with his father's gun; the school subsequently goes on lockdown. When Callie finds him holding Mariana hostage in her bed the next morning, Stef has him go to prison. Following Nick's release from a psychiatric hospital, the court places a restraining order on him. However, during the neighborhood's celebration for Callie potentially passing her new foster care bill, Mariana sees Nick walking in the crowd without realizing that she is only hallucinating, a side effect resulting from taking Jesus's ADHD medication. Fearing her safety is at risk, she subsequently calls Jesus before running away. Jesus then contacts Nick, who is alone at his house, demanding him to release Mariana but Nick makes it clear that he is not with her. Not believing him, Jesus goes searching for Nick where he later finds him having an argument with Mariana. Acting on impulse, Jesus attempts to beat him up only to find himself being attacked to the ground, which is when Stef abruptly appears trying to stop their fight. Nick, then, provides Jesus with a blow to the head before he immediately loses consciousness

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